Be it in personal or working life, most people face problems of one sort or another, problems which ultimately require a decision to be made.
Problems are often left for another day because they appear almost insurmountable, the consequences of this procrastination can be that additional problems occur with a wider impact than if dealt with in a prompt, creative, rational and planned manner.
This course is suitable for everyone involved in solving problems and who want to arrive at results that are seen as logical, credible and acceptable because of their ‘watertight’ supporting arguments. Typically using delegate’s actual problems, they immediately apply the process to their problem to begin the process of resolution.
What do delegates get out of it?
- What are problems?
- The type of problem to be addressed now or maybe in the future!
- A detailed examination of a stepped approach to problem solving and reaching a decision:
- The Problem – what is it?
- The Results – what should they be?
- The Data – what information is required?
- The Brainstorm – the use of creative techniques to identify solutions
- The Consequences – what could be the ramifications?
- The Evaluation – making the decision and communicating it
- The Measure of success – monitor and track to outcome.
What’s been said by those attending it:
‘Training and course very relevant to me and the situations I’m facing’.
‘Techniques I can apply immediately upon my return’.
‘My boss just shouts and bangs the table! I now know there is a better and more logical way which is likely to be accepted by more people’.
For your reference, please download a course outline here.