The effectiveness of those involved in sales cannot be over-emphasised in these competitive times. The saying; ‘Time is money’ has never had more resonance. The effective use of time is paramount to optimising performance.
Research has shown that stress can be caused by a feeling of being ‘out of control’, events appear to be controlling the person, rather than the person controlling events. In a sales environment, the salespeople need to be in control, by way of planning their objectives, their time, their overall approach and their follow-up.
A course deliberately designed to provoke thoughts about the concept of time before examining the bigger picture and why the 80/20 rule has gained a prominent position in organisations looking to become more effective in sales. From this acceptance of working more effectively and efficiently delegates go on to examine techniques to improve their own time management in relation to sales.
What do delegates get out of it?
- An appreciation of the concepts surrounding time
- An appreciation of the 80/20 rule
- How to work more effectively and efficiently
- Identifying where their time goes
- What can steal and rob them of their time
- Techniques to help them take control of their time
What’s been said by those attending it:
‘Made me appreciate the importance of using time better’.
‘Useful techniques which I can apply to make more time for productive selling’.
‘Presented a powerful argument for making the best use of my time, both in and out of work’.
‘I feel motivated to implement the techniques covered during this course’.
For your reference, please download a course outline here.