Assertiveness – One Day

An interactive, practical and supportive course designed to develop assertiveness skills and boost self-confidence to enable people to work more effectively.

Understanding and behaving in an assertive way better ensures that people stay in control of their behaviour and their life, saying what they want and don’t want and acting independently. An assertive person is less likely to react in an aggressive manner when feeling provoked and engender a more positive feeling amongst those around them.

There are subtleties involved when it comes to behaviour, certain actions in individuals can be the result of certain behaviours, e.g., passive aggressive behaviour can disrupt smooth progress, but it needs recognising before it can be addressed. Similarly, bullying and harassment can manifest itself in almost imperceptible ways, only recognisable when these behaviour traits are understood.

This course develops an understanding of assertiveness by describing what assertiveness is, examining other behaviour styles, and practising the skills of assertiveness using a range of techniques.

What do delegates get out of it?

  • An understanding of what assertive behaviour is
  • The ability to maintain their work-life balance using assertiveness
  • Knowledge of the ‘Rights of Assertiveness’
  • An understanding of behaviour styles
  • The link between assertiveness and body language
  • An assessment of how assertive they are
  • How to use positive and assertive language
  • How to make and refuse requests assertively
  • How to confront workplace challenges
  • How to give and receive constructive feedback and build rapport

What’s been said by those attending it:

‘Really enjoyed the day, useful information gained’.
‘Excellent course, very well delivered’.

For your reference, please download a course outline here.

Personal Impact, Effectiveness & Communication