The term business development can cover a broad range of tasks and processes associated with ‘growing’ a business. Growth can take many forms too; increasing sales, customer base, market share, which in turn can result from improved marketing and promotional approaches, etc.
We’ve concentrated on specific ‘themes’ which have been found to have a considerable impact upon business development:
The first three are possibly relatively obvious, however, the last two are less so!
Towns Alive is a programme concerned with regenerating towns and communities, which over the last two decades have been under pressure from competition and changing lifestyles. This programme has been used nationwide in market towns and cities.
Developing a Traded Service is about developing the knowledge and skills required to generate income to fund services which were previously provided free. Typical of this are local authorities, who, because of reduced central Government funding, find a shortfall in such skills amongst their people who previously weren’t required to ‘promote and sell’.
All five business development ‘themes’ can be delivered as bespoke projects or utilise developed set training approaches.