Leadership – One Day

Are leaders born or are they made? That is the question that continues to generate debate!

Maybe the easier question to answer is; Do our ‘leaders’ control, maintain, administer and think operationally, i.e., Manage. Or do they inspire, originate, challenge, think strategically, point the way ahead, provide direction, initiate change, etc., in other words – Lead?’

Most organisations don’t have the luxury of having managers and leaders in two separate people, these roles are normally undertaken by one and the same individuals – Managers. Nonetheless, leadership skills are an essential ingredient for success.

This course takes a close look at the differences between managing and leading and examines the skills and techniques which are proven to enhance the leadership skills of an individual. Ideal for those new to ‘leading people’ and the more experienced.

What do delegates get out of it?

  • What is the difference between Managing V Leading?
    • The responsibilities of both
    • The qualities of recognised leaders
  • Leadership Styles and Behaviours
    • The benefits of each
    • The drawbacks of each
    • The application of a particular ‘leadership style’
  • Approaches to Leadership
    • How do you match up?
    • Is your approach in balance?
    • How adaptable are you to the situation?
  • Workplace Motivation
    • The essential ingredients for motivation to work?
    • The Motivation Audit
    • Motivational ‘Laws’

What’s been said by those attending it:

‘This course will help me greatly’

For your reference, please download a course outline here.

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