Towns Alive – A bespoke process aimed at town regeneration

Used by cities, towns and communities nationwide, Towns Alive has a successful track record of producing results since the mid 1990’s. The programme undergoes continuous development to keep pace with the constant change associated with towns, cities and the community at large.

Being a practical programme ensures that this town regeneration process is an on-going, painless and enjoyable activity. No time or opportunity is provided to allow history to be rewritten or for blame to be apportioned, this programme is about looking forward and making decisions based on fact – not emotion!

By the application of information and techniques adopted by successful commercial organisations who face pressures brought about by change, town communities come together in an interactive and creative environment to ‘make things happen’.

Typically, the programme examines six key areas identified as being ‘game changers’:

  • A Town in Context – understanding the challenges towns face nationwide
  • Its Management Style – an examination of the vital role good management practices play
  • Town, Business and Community Development – creative approaches to overcoming the problems and finding solutions
  • Customers, Visitors and Users – Who are they, what are they, what do they do and where do/could they come from?
  • Improving the Image – how stimulating are the sensory messages that greet visitors?
  • Marketing and Promoting a Town – what and how to ‘drip feed’ people on good news
  • Planning for Growth and Development – putting a plan together to attract attention, funding and involvement for a sustainable future

Typically, within a six month period, towns go from a ‘standing start’ to having positive action plans in place which dovetail and support the efforts of other agencies like local authorities, business partnerships, etc.

By working together and imparting knowledge and skills, looking forward and not back, employing problem solving and decision making skills, and working as a creative group of interested parties, it has been found that the sometimes negative and backward looking mind-set is replaced by one of creativity, a ‘can do’ attitude and willingness to volunteer more personal time to get involved in delivering their town action plan.

See Press Cuttings, Testimonials and You Tube video.

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